


We are Michaela and Simone, the best travel couple (for us ) in this entire Galaxy. We met in Barcelona a long time ago, which is why in addition to writing this blog in English we also do it in Spanish. Between us, we speak Spanish together, or rather our version of the Spanish language, simply because none of us are native Spanish speakers, and moreover we always add a few words in English, Italian, and Czech to our conversations. This makes our live videos on social media quite interesting and sometimes even incomprehensible for us hahaha, but come on in the end we are good guys 😉

Info (UPDATED: May 2024)

We launched our Food & Travel Blog: funfoodtravelling.com in 2017.

We wanted to share with all of you how beautiful the world is!

Our blog niches are basically two:

1) All about travel tips from places we visited.

2) Advice on what, and often where, to eat in the places we had the pleasure of visiting.

We also wanted to share our funny moments through social media and our life-dream to TRAVEL THE WORLD.

In September 2019, we quit our jobs and decided to follow our passion and dream.

You can read more here about our preparation, fears, and judgment before we decided to leave everything behind.

We really DID IT!




My name is Michaela, and I was born in Prague, Czech Republic.
In addition to having created this blog step by step, errors included, I have an online digital marketing business that helps small and medium-sized businesses navigate the immense jungle of the online world.
Pinterest is one of the biggest tools I use to promote these businesses, and let’s say that if I hadn’t started writing and creating this blog perhaps my current job would never have existed.
My hometown, Prague, is a beautiful city, for me, the most beautiful in the world “especially because we make the best beer“.
However, two important things are missing for me there, the beach and the sea.
This is one of the reasons I started traveling when I was 18. I have traveled a lot and lived in many countries such as Australia, Brazil, Spain, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Italy.
I have lived in Barcelona for over 11 years, and it is there that I fell in love twice, with the city and the Spanish culture, and also with my traveling companion and husband, Simone.
When I met him for the first time, he told me he was a Chef, and there I thought two things “This is the right one” and “Finally, I will never cook again” and so it was 😉
Over time we discovered our common passion for traveling “as well as food” and we also realized one thing, to have the same crazy dream of travelling the world in total freedom.
Many years have passed from Barcelona to the world, but one thing is for sure, Simone continues to cook for me with the same love as always haha.


My name is Simone, and I am from Sardinia, let’s say “almost” Italy ;-).

My world is divided into two “apart from Michaela ;-)”, two opposite and parallel worlds that I have decided to nourish and cultivate together, the love of travel and the love of food.

As a professional Chef, I’m crazy about everything that concerns food! Whenever I travel, I have to taste anything, from local ingredients and recipes to the most bizarre food you can imagine.

I lived in Barcelona for over 12 years, and in this city, that I considered my second home, I met Mika.  She is the other owner of this blog, the one who later became my wife, companion of life, travel, and many adventures.

Like the good Italian Chef that I am, I won her over with a pasta Carbonara ;-). Over time, I taught her to eat well (Italian of course haha) 🙂 and something that is basic for me, is that everything that is good does not necessarily have to be expensive.



We have discovered and explored many countries together, so far, more than 50. And since there are still more or less 150 to go, we still have many adventures to live and tell through the pages of this blog. The blog was born with a dream that materialized way back in September 2019, that is, to leave a “normal” life and follow our dream and travel the world.


Nowadays, many things have changed.

We work online full-time, not only on the blog but also on other projects.

Simone always travels and sometimes he tries to work in some kitchen for a few months “so as not to lose his hand” and one of his great passions, cooking for others.

If you’re wondering where we are, we write to you right away:

After traveling for over a year through Asia, mainly in Southeast Asia (although we ventured as far as South Korea and Sri Lanka), we returned to Europe for some personal projects and to be with family and friends.

In 2024, we spent a few months in Morocco, Sardinia (Italy), and the Czech Republic.


Currently, we are living in Iceland, the land of fire and ice, and we plan to stay here for a while to work and discover this incredible island, its culture, its secrets, and of course, its food.

This doesn’t mean we’re going to forget about filling your life with beautiful places and useful information, about travels and food. Don’t worry, very soon, new countries and new adventures will come into our lives and our blog articles.

So friends, stay tuned to this blog, and if you feel like it, follow us on social media to learn more details. A hug from Mika and Simo, the coolest travelers in the entire galaxy (at least for us 😉 ).

If you ask us right now: who are we? We answer you easily, young “yes we are young” travelers who have decided to follow their dreams.


Follow Us on Social Media

@Instagram #funfoodtravelling 

@FB page Fun Food and Travelling

@Pinterest #funfoodtravelling


Here is also our email to contact us:

 [email protected]